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A member registered Jan 01, 2021

Recent community posts

Random question: What's Saiko Speedster and how do you activate it 😅

If you're talking about having v2.0.1, that build was a mere bug fixing build. 2.1+ are gonna cost $4 so you technically didn't get it beforehand as it had costed money as soon as the build was released

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I agree but please word your sentences more nicely

Habu does not give steam keys to random people. He only gives them to:

People who have already bought the game on and wants it on Steam too

People who have exclusive roles on the Saiko no Sutoka discord

Saiko no Sutoka patreon supporters that donated $4 or more

There might be more but these are the ones I know of

Uhhh what made you think habupain is gonna make this game free only for you?

Go on the Saiko No Sutoka discord linked on this page. On there you will find the old builds

I agree:O  I wish to know the story behind Yangire mode. 

Oh, ok. Thanks!

No it will stay as $4 sorry to disappoint. But if you buy the build you will get the rest for free and even just one build is worth more than $4

When Saiko gets frustrated on not being able to kill you and she calls her sister for backup lolXD 

the one with bunny saiko that says "who put this here" when u click on it?

Is there a choice between if you want Elissu and Saiko or just Saiko?

yeah hope steam comes to its senses soon

if yandev did do it then we ought to file a DMCA complaint against him for having the word senpai in his game smh

I'm very sorry about your game habu:( It has a lot of potential and I hope it's put back on Steam

What kind of Karen would file a DMCA complaint for a game having the lines "Good morning" and "Good night"? Must be a real asshole

Senpai's hair is yellow

Please stop calling everyone "itiot"

Try restarting ur computer

Despite being close to getting killed, Saiko chan's breasts distracted him

About 3-5 days for Steam to review, so yes, it's delayed

Random question time: Is the bathroom  still in the new school map(2.0-2.1)?

The final game probably won't be free, but if yu pay for one build, then yeah you get the rest for free

You have to have a certain role in Discord I think(like Saiko momento or Saiko mod)

I accepted it:) let's chat on there instead of here since the thread is getting too longXD 

Yep, my user is Hazel Chan on Discord! You can friend me if you'd like. My hashtag is #6372

Yeah I'm quite new so I'm still getting used to it. You're really kind though:) 

I accepted the request:)

Welp there goes my horrible typing skills again. I'm 90% sure I meant Steam key but then I typed card *slaps forehead*

Sumikii, and once again, thank you so much☺

Really? That's pretty cool:) I really want the 2.1 build but then I'm broke af but I'm worried that it might be too much. If you give it to me as a gift, I'd be really grateful. It's totally fine if you don't want to, though! I understand:)

Supporters, moderators, and legends on discord get a steam card for the game when it comes out on steam

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@enternal_flame Wdym by gifting the game?  

Yes, if you are legend(someone who's been following the development of SNS since it came out), a moderator, or supporter on Discord habu will give you a steam card for the game after it comes out, from what I heard

I'm Saiko Simp, Russian Role(mega simp I think), Found You, and Member

Only Saiko Legend and Saiko Supporters get the game for free?

What is "Saiko Simp" on discord. Literally just noticed that my name is blue and someone told me I was in the "Saiko Simp" column. Visible confusuion be like;-;

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Just click "Download Now", and then the rest is self-explanatory 

Did you say you made this in 48 hours? I can't even write a paragraph in that amount of time even if my life depended on it-

Wdym by DRM-free version?